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MICE Talk 360 / Take 5 with SITE / SITE Women In Leadership

May 31, 2021

Join the Take 5 with SITE conversation as Michael Dalton, President of the Dublin-based consultancy, MICDrop Support Solutions. 

Paying it forward by sharing industry knowledge and sage observations during a difficult time creates a situation where everyone wins.

A lesson for all of us.

May 31, 2021

Join the conversation with Michael Dalton as he shares his busy pandemic life and what it means to be recognized as SITE Member of the Year.

While 2020 may have been a time of reflection, and worry,  for some, for Michael Dalton, it was about finding time to honor all of his commitments and set a pace that open minds...

May 10, 2021

Join Take 5 with SITE conversation as Carina Bauer, CEO of The IMEX Group and Immediate Past President of the SITE Foundation shares her thoughts on our way forward. 

There's a bright sun coming up on the horizon. Get your Maui Jim's ready.

May 10, 2021

Join the conversation as we catch up with Carina Bauer as she reflects on her year in the eye of the hurricane as President of the SITE Foundation and CEO of The IMEX Group.

Dealing with adversity at every turn, 2020 was not a time for the faint of heart. Life was coming up lemons, but there was still a good bit of...

May 1, 2021

Join the Take 5 with SITE conversation as Cherryl Brazier, founder and President of the Anchor Collection, and past SITE International and SITE SoCal board member shines a light on what industry recovery could mean for all of us.

Insightful and thought-provoking. Listen and enjoy.