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MICE Talk 360 / Take 5 with SITE / SITE Women In Leadership

Mar 25, 2021

Join the conversation as MICE Talk 360 as we discuss the respective roles of SITE, the SITE Foundation, and how the two come together for the benefit of our membership. 

Aoife Delaney, 2021 SITE President, and Terry Manion, 2021 SITE Foundation President explain the important differences between the two organizations,...

Mar 12, 2021

Join our special Take 5 with SITE conversation as Aoife Delaney, 2021 SITE President, shares a simple analogy for the respective roles played by SITE and the SITE Foundation in delivering engagement and education.

It's like making a movie.

Mar 11, 2021

Join our Take 5 with SITE conversation as Patti Palacios, founder and President of GlobauxSource, shares her thoughts on what the 2021 SITE theme means to her.

The right theme for these times.